Nobody ever said life would be easy. For meek, mousy Allison West, that is an understatement. Being a teenager is hard. Being the only child of ultra religious parents and going to Catholic high school is even harder. But when a high school field trip to the museum turns to chaos and completely flips her life upside down and sideways, Allison is forced to come face-to-face with her own inner demon. Not to mention battling zombies, sorcerers and demonic rabbits. And just how do you deal with a barbed tail and horns anyway? Caught in a fight between Eldritch, a heroic super mage and leader of the League of Freedom, and Pentagos, an evil sorcerer bent on the total enslavement of the human race, Allison is forever scarred and changed by the experience.
Set in the Defiant universe, this is the first in a series chronicling the adventures of Allison West and her friends as they struggle with the pains of being teenagers as well as burgeoning superheroes. |